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Amersham Town Football Club Training Ground



As you know KCA FC has been working in partnership with Amersham Town Football Club whose home ground is Spratleys Meadow to provide further pitch facilities by using their training ground as the KCAFC expands its operations.

March ’21 Update:

We have been busy repairing fencing, cutting back the run off zones and preparing the pitch areas at the training ground (opposite the Football Ground) create 4 new pitches of varying sizes. Once completed we will be able to provide a new 11 v 11, 9 v 9, 7 v 7 and 5 v 5 set of pitches.

To complete these works, new moveable goals will be provided during the summer months in readiness for next season.

In the meantime, we are able to utilise the much improved playing surfaces for the rest of the season and during the summer months.



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